About Us
A bit about me.
Hello, I am Natalie aka Nat!
I am the owner of Stretch + in O’Conner, Perth, WA.
I am originally from Zimbabwe, but have called Western Australia home for over 16 years.
I love surfing and getting to the ocean as much as possible. This lead me to working in Exmouth, WA as Whaleshark Videographer for 4 years. (thats me in the photo)
I can embarrassingly quote/sing to most Disney/ animation movies off by heart.
I have had multiple hip surgeries over my lifetime. Part of my journey back to healing over the years has included Pilates for rehab and FST. Both have had such a positive impact my life that I have now made a career helping others using these amazing modalities.
My story.
I qualified over 7 years ago with a Diploma of Pilates Instruction and it was 2 years in, that I discovered fascia body work/ movement and became obsessed (still am) about anything and everything to do with this neglected system in the body.
I dived into Anatomy Trains by Thomas Myers and took a few of his workshops and then found Art of Motion the movement sister of Anatomy Trains manual therapy. I was blown away with the freedom my body was able to achieve.
4 years ago I was working with client (who knew how much of a fascia nerd I was) who suggested seeing a fascia stretch therapist who her husband (who described himself as a tin man) saw and said he felt amazing! I booked into to see Dave at Stretched Perth and had multiple sessions. For the first time ever, I experienced a deep stretch without pain or discomfort and the results were next level. I had tried yoga and other stretching/mobility modalities, but this was something completely different … I was sold.
The next year I flew over to Pheonix, Arizona to do my first level of training to be a Fascial Stretch Therapist at Stretch to Win Institute with founders Ann and Chris Fredrick. This solidified my belief and love of FST and I have been back again to do my level 2. Once the world is open again I will be straight on a plane to do my final level 3!( You can only qualify in this technique at inStretch to Win Institute Pheonix or Vancouver.)
What I do keep MY movement freedom?
I do semi private pilates twice week which combines a classical pilates approach with FRC( mobility practice).
Stretch as often as I can combined with myofascial movement practices. (Flexibility must be balanced with strength to be fully functional).
I see a chiropractor every 6 weeks.
Once a month I will try get some form of bodywork done whether that be FST, remedial massage or other soft tissue modalities.
I drink a whole lot of water! Fascia is over 70% water, so this a simple way to keep it healthy and functional.
SLEEP. 6-8 hours is key for my body for recovery and function.
Work with me…
My goal is to empower and educate you with the skills and tools you need take control of your self care whilst giving the kickstart you need to get going with Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST). Ready to take the stress out of stretching and rediscover you movement freedom?